Panning for Gold at MVCS

If I were a person from the Gold Rush, I would go and make a store so I could be rich.  I would wear warm clothes, but when it’s hot, I would take some of it off. I would get a lot of gold, but I’d use it for buying a house and seeds for […]

A Snippet from my Reading Journal

I have been reading the Bible at night, and I still don’t get it.  Why are the Israelites disobeying God?  They’re God’s people!  Is it because sin has gotten to them?  Why aren’t they praising the Lord?  He made them!  And now they’re praising statues.  I mean, a statue was made, and God wasn’t made. […]

Our Object Lesson Chapel

With God All Things Are Possible C: Do you think we can stick pencils through a plastic bag full of water without it spilling? Well, we want to remind you that with God all things are possible, so yes, WE CAN!   One holds the bag and the other sticks pencils through.   J: So […]

Texas Rules’ Personal Rock

My rock is white, and it has light brown dots on it.  It has a flat part, and on the flat part it has a grey shiny part.  I can see quartz crystals in my rock, and quartz is a mineral.  I think my rock is sedimentary, which can have all kinds of rocks mushed […]